Marvel Avengers Game: Beta, What To Expect

What to expect from the Beta: 

Marvel Avengers Game

The Beta Version is out now.

But is it worth buying and playing?

Marvel Avengers Game 2020 Screenshots

The game is pretty fun. Its very similar to Destiny and Diablo

- esm1th
Marvel Avengers Game 2020 Screenshots

If you're like me, this is exactly what you're looking for: a fast-paced action like Destiny with the leveling and looting of Diablo.

To some, this may just be just another action-game to play during the Covid-19 lockdown, but to others, including myself, its something worth waiting for. This is the closest one could experience, being able to re-live the Marvel Universe in its latest form. 

Closed beta is open now, this is where the screen shots on this page was sourced. 

The pre-order release is at 9pm, August 31, 2020, then a soft-release will be on September 1, 2020, at 9am.

Its official release will be on September 4, 2020, available on the Square Enix website (Square Enix).

Marvel Avengers Game 2020 Screenshots Abomination
Marvel Avengers Game 2020 Screenshots Iron Man

There’s going to be a Premium Pass that will cost $10 which will give you cosmetic costumes and custom name-plates. 

At the end of the pass you’ll get another $10 worth of in-game money back. 

- esm1th
Marvel Avengers Game 2020 Screenshots Thor Black Widow

It may seem like the game is more monetized than it is. 

But if you look at the overall value, you're basically getting all of the six characters when the game launches.

- esm1th

Closed beta is open now, this is where the screen shots on this page was sourced. 

How much is the game pass? $10

Dubbed as "Hero Challenge Cards"

This will yield cosmetic upgrades like costumes and custom name-plates. 

But the great thing about this is that at the end of the game-pass period, you'll get another $10 of in-game credits back. So you're basically doubling your initial investment.

Should you buy the game?

Only if you're a huge Marvel fan.

Should you buy the game-pass?

If you don't want to grind your way to achieving all of the characters, then yes you should! 

Overall, if you've played Destiny and Diablo and love the Marvel Franchise, then you've probably already pre-purchased the game. If not, you should definitely consider it!

You should pick a character and stick to them to unlock the pass. 

Then you can start working on the others as you continue finishing the daily and weekly challenges.

- esm1th
Marvel Avengers Game 2020 Screenshots Incredible Hulk