3D Artist In Residence : Hung Tu – DINAMUUU3D
Get to know the 3D artist : Hung tu, dinamuuu3d

We sat down and interviewed Hung Tu (Dinamuuu3d), the artist who's 3D art is currently splashed across the top of our main page, so that we could get to know him a little bit better:

1. How did you get started in 3D arts?

Art, movies, comic books, and video games have always been one of my favorite hobbies. This area of interest was what made me decide to go to the direction of 3D modeling. For a long time, I wanted to get into the video game industry, so set out to learn the pipeline/workflow to create game ready assets. As I learned more about the technical aspect of the process, I started to become less interested, because the part I truly enjoyed was the concept and sculpting process. As I learned how to create the work that the industry was demanding I also learned about the politics of the industry through forums, podcasts, interviews, and such from professionals. It's great to be able to create art for a living, but a lot of industry employees occasionally get overworked and burnt out to say the least. As I see a trend in the game industry that existed in many different companies I decided to search for my own path while utilizing the skills that I developed to build something for myself. I found out about 3D printing and decided to see where I can go from there, so far, I am doing okay.

2. What's the process like when you're building 3D models?

I do most of my work in ZBrush with sculpting and rendering. I figure out what character I want to create, and then I gather resources for reference and inspiration. I always start by creating the portrait of the character first and then I add a base mesh and manipulate the proportions. The design is an ongoing process as I keep sculpting. I generally know thee broad direction I want to go, but sometimes ideas come, and I try them out and see if it works out. I keep the ideas that work and scrap the ones that don't and this process is repeated multiple times throughout the concepting and sculpting phase.

3. What inspires you?

There are a lot of great artists online that inspire me and I mostly go to Artstation to look at other work.

4. What's your favorite video game?

I like a lot of different types of video games. I am competitive in nature so I tend to play multiplayer games like Apex Legends, Counter-Strike and Tekken.

5. Where can people reach you and your work?

Patreon - https://www.patreon.com/DiNamuuu3D 

Twitter - https://twitter.com/DiNamuuu3D 

Artstation - https://www.artstation.com/dinamuuu3d 

Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/dinamuuu3d 

YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDsy-6CqMcncaC2iAnF3RpQ/featured

Hung Tu Dinamuuu 3d Samus


Hung Tu Dinamuuu 3d Zelda


Hung Tu Dinamuuu 3d
